The connection between energy and body in massage and yoga
Sunshine Raum Eisenstadt, 16.05.-18.05.2025
From the day you are born to the day you die, your body absorbs, stores and uses energy. Not only nutritional energy from food, water, air and sunshine but also environmental energy from the different environments you live in, such as at home, at school, at work, out with your friends at night or at your weekly yoga or meditation class. This type of energy is known as subtle energy and is absorbed into your body through energy centres, known as chakras. Then, depending on the quality of that energy, it creates different types of reaction or condition in your physical body. For example, if you live in a warm and loving household, the energy you absorb from that environment creates a body that is warm, soft and strong. If, on the other hand, you live or work in a controlling environment, it helps create a body that is tight and inflexible, conditions which often present in yoga and in massage.
This workshop explores the nature of energy and the effect it has on the condition of the physical body. It shows that more often than not when you are touching someone’s body that feels hard or compressed or contracted (cold), you are touching an energy that is causing the body to be hard, compressed or contracted. And so, by treating the energy, you treat the condition.
In this workshop we will show you all the different types of energy you can absorb, how you absorb them and in which parts of your body you store them. The purpose of this is to show you that if you have a client or a student with a condition in a particular part of their body, it will be linked to a particular event from a particular time in their life. This helps you better understand the condition of your client or student and so be able to treat them better.
We will also examine the effects that the energies of other people can have on you, including your clients and students, and what you can do if any of that energy is having a negative effect on you. Additionally, we examine the issue of boundaries and how you can differentiate your own energy from that of others.
You can use this information for the purposes of your own self-understanding as well as in your work with your students and clients.
Finally, it doesn’t really matter if you do or do not have any experience in yoga, massage or even in energy work. Everyone is welcome.
As Chaiyuth, my old Thai massage teacher used to say: Good for me, good for you, good for everybody!
Workshop dates and times:
Friday 16 May to Sunday 18 May 2025
10:00 – 17:00 each day with 90-minute lunch pause
Cost: €350
The workshop will be in English.

Robert Henderson is a writer, energy worker and spiritual healer.
His books It’s All My Parents’ Fault and Emotion and Healing in the Energy Body are powerful descriptions of healing, self-discovery and self-empowerment.
Drawing on his own experiences of family hurt, self-healing and the helping of others through their own hurt, Robert believes that the power in writing is not in the words you use, but in the energy of the words you use and if your words contain the energies of truth and proven accomplishment, the message they impart and the effect they have on the reader are extremely powerful.
Born in Dublin, Robert moved to London in the 1980s before leaving it all behind to follow a career in spiritual and energy healing that took him to work and live in Thailand, New Zealand, Crete, Austria and Slovenia. He currently lives in Dresden, Germany.